The Human Temperament (generalities)

One of the biggest impacts on how we react to the outer and inner experiences of live is our temperament.

We better understand the human temperament if we compare it with the protection shield of a knight. Each knight had his own armour that did not allow much vulnerability to the potential enemies. 

This armour makes one reveal oneself differently to others, as the others can only see the metal shield, can only hear a voice hidden behind a mask, and can see a behaviour, but not the eyes that cry or that smile. 

Similar to the armour, the shield of the self, the temperament protects and censors the way others can reach our inner world. And as this metal shield surrounds us entirely, most of our mobility and reactions are limited by the temperaments’ nature. 

Each person is put inside an armour of the temperament by birth, from the early years of childhood. And the individual’s perspective of the world is shaped by the temperament, as a permanent constitution filter of each person. 

It was stated by many psychiatrists and psychologists of the last century that the temperament cannot be changed, but only moderated by one’s personality. And this is true only if one does not take off the armor through a serious training in self development. So the temperament is permanent for most people, but not for those individuals that go through personal development. 

During the development practices, we learn to understand the texture and limitation of our own temperament armor. And the personal and spiritual development practices help us take off this armor piece by piece and learn to act freely at a deeper level, building better protective skills than those inherited from our ancestors, as the human temperament. 

The four temperaments are dependent on the physiology, so only an inner transformation so significant that it creates a change in the bodily fluids and physiology can change it. It is a spiritual reality that the temperament is the first and sometimes biggest beast one has to tame in his evolution process. So a good understanding of its essence is a necessity in every self development path as such.

The alchemic perspective, used both in medicine and in ancient philosophy, associated the four temperaments with the four elements: earth – for the melancholic, water – for the phlegmatic, air – for the sanguine and fire – for the choleric.

The temperament is not a result of the inner life of the individual. The temperament is a protection armor through which we connect our inner world to the outer reality, as an hereditary enheritance received from our ancestors. 

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